Structure preservation
The major part of all damage to buildings is caused by water penetration and damp. If you are lucky, only the wallpaper becomes mildewed, but often the entire wall cracks once it has become wet.
You can usually save all cleaning and painting work in the future.
The Böger- Systemklinker® prevents defrost water, condensation and the formation of mould. The system is durable, absolutely maintenance free and driving rainproof and nevertheless non-vapour retarding. It allows water vapour to diffuse to the outside, and is therefore permeable to the air.
During the cold season the heat flows from inside outwards and in summer the flow of heat from the outside inwards is considerably delayed. Due to the perfected combination of high-quality branded clay facing bricks and thermal isolator polyurethane, the Böger- Systemklinker® product represents the most ideal building physics principle of external insulation.

Thermal insulation
Existing cracks and da- maged plasterwork are bridged by Böger-Systemklinker® Böger clinker system is available in various total thicknesses of 40, 60, 80, 100 and 140 mm. You can choose according to your requirements of thermal insulation. The thicker the insulating layer, the better the thermal insulation.
With the aid of this low-energy system, all requirements of the recent energy conservation regulations can be fulfilled and you can achieve heating cost savings of up to 50% in a detached house. Böger-Systemklinker® can currently be classified as one of the best suppliers of thermal insulation with integrated acoustic insulation to the building trade.
The table shows the improvement of the U value by the installation of our products. (The lower the U value, the better the insulation of the house.) Böger-Systemklinker® provides long-term protection against water penetration, is resistant to driving rain, but allows water vapour to diffuse outwards and is therefore actively breathing. That means: no condensation, prevents damage and preserves valuable building materials.
less heat loss with Böger- Systemklinker® up to 50%
Conditions are 2 cm chalk-cement plaster indoor and 2 cm chalk plaster on exterior wall.
Healthy living
Apart from saving valuable energy, its outstanding look and its long durability, there is another important argument for our product.
It cannot be expressed in money terms, but despite this it is even more important. A pleasant, healthy indoor climate results, which satisfies all modern medical standards. The living conditions which result from the requirements of DIN 4108 are by no way satisfactory. The surface temperature on the inside of an outer wall is deemed to be a measure of the comfortableness of living space. Temperatures less than 15°C at a 20°C room temperature are evidence of a too cold, uncomfortable and unhealthy room climate. In the ideal case, the difference between the room temperature and the surface temperature on the inside of the outer wall should be less than 3°C. In summer on the other hand, thanks to the external insulation it is pleasantly cool. An advantage, which you will quickly appreciate.