Exceptional standard of quality require exceptional materials.
For that reason we do not only manufacture Böger-Systemklinker® in the modernest facilities with the most stringent making rules: we also use high quality raw materials. The German institute for building materials has delivered for Böger-Systemklinker®, with number Z-33.5-625, an authorization of using for construction purposes.

In order to maintain the high quality of our products, quality controls are continuously realized. Thus our teams, but also independent laboratories test the conformity of the Böger-Systemklinker® line to stringent standards among which the fire resistance standard DIN 4102-1, the water vapour permeability standard DIN EN ISO 12572, the thermal conductivity standard DIN 52612, DIN ISO 4590 standardizing the volume percentage of open and closed cells, as well as the standard DIN V 18164-1 related to the durability of cellular plastics used as insulating building materials.
Böger-Systemklinker®: medically recommended!
A high thermal insulation in winter and a protection against heat inflow in summer, when linked steam permeability properties, are healthiness parameters, which are controlled by Böger-Systemklinker®. Surface temperature of inner walls is always agreeable.
Böger-Systemklinker® ideally regulates the housing climate and creates a physiological living atmosphere. Buildings are protected against humidity and resulting havocs.
Thanks to its own tests, the board for "healthiness" of the Hygiene and Environmental Medicine society verified the convincingly features of Böger-Systemklinker® which can be recommended for the health.
Criteria for the certificate of conformity such as influence on the housing atmosphere and the feeling of well-being as well as influence on the pleasantness, comfort and healthiness have been filled.